Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Typhoons are hurricanes, just re-named "typhoon" because they move into the western Pacific. Currently, a typhoon named Saola is moving toward the northern part of Taiwan, with winds of up to 86mph and expected to increase to 109. It's already gone through the Philippines, apparently, and left devastation and mudslides in its wake. It's only going to brush the northernmost tip of Taiwan, but we're still expected to get a ton of rain (30 inches yesterday, another expected 59in for tomorrow and Friday morning) and some wind.

I got a call from my boss around 8pm this evening, telling me that all classes were cancelled for tomorrow. Amelia FB'd me to say that she went to the gym (just down our street, 5 minutes away!) and it was closed. I'm living off peanut butter, a mango and two peaches, water, and coconut water, and I'm thanking Amelia's and my late-lunch gluttony (we couldn't resist the call of Italian food) because otherwise I'd be really hungry. I haven't been outside, but I highly doubt any places are open. (Although my neighbor just left, so maybe places ARE open?) Plus, I think that in a fight between an umbrella and the rain and wind, the umbrella would give up without trying.

To give you an idea of how much rain we're getting, imagine the last time a storm blew through. You know those moments when the rain is coming down in sheets, big fat drops dumping buckets everywhere, and wind blowing the rain like curtains in a heavy breeze? Take those few minutes and let them go on for about four hours (and counting), with only an occasional lessening and no letup. It's been raining that hard on and off since last night. This morning was deceptively drizzly, and me, the idiot, didn't take an umbrella to work.


I highly doubt I'll get blown away in the storm; there aren't any evacuations and people seem to be going about their business, with the small exception of businesses closing early and some schools closing as well. I've looked at weather maps and Saola looks like it'll just hit the tip of Taiwan, not really bulldoze a path of destruction through our middle.

Me, I'm just excited about the rain and the free day off.

Here's some more info about typhoons and Saola.

Huffington Post


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