Wednesday, August 22, 2012

hotpot 2

Guys, I did the hotpot thing again.

Amelia is leaving Taiwan very soon, so she and I and the two other teachers from our school, plus Susan, all went out for hoptpot on Sunday morning. I was so excited about this that I ate a minimal dinner the night before, a small breakfast that morning, and I also woke up at 7:30am to go to the gym before we went for hotpot. Our reservation was for 11:30. When we finally sat down and started eating, I could tell I was really hungry because almost an hour went by and I realized I'd said very, very little. Like, I hadn't contributed to any conversations at all. I'd already shoved two plates of food into my soup and eaten it, and my companions were just going back to the bar for seconds.

 You can see the ice cream bar from here; look at the red/white containers with the little signs that say Haggen Dazs!

Worth it, though. I enjoy being hungry, because it lets me really enjoy food, and knowing that I was hungry enough to be focusing on my food enough that I didn't even talk (which, if you know me, is a rare occasion) made me happy. Honestly, I was there to enjoy eating hotpot, and clearly I did. Every bite tasted like ambrosia. I made the same sesame seed/soy sauce/vinegar dipping sauce as last time and added a few onion shavings to it. Tasted just as good as last time. :) I also tried the mushrooms, which I unfortunately still don't like (something about the texture puts me off), and ate a ton of vegetables. We're talking piles of greens, and I also sucked up my ramen noodles (packets were available) in record time.

Not much of note happened at this outing, except that good times were had by all. :) Walking out of the restaurant was a feat, because we were all so full that "thinking" and "walking" were challenging. Susan and Amelia went to make reservations for Amelia's other goodbye dinner we're having this weekend, and Dennis and James (the other teacher at Shane) went their separate ways as well.

(continued in fashion: put it all on me!)

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