Thursday, June 7, 2012

a girl and a plane

Wo dao Taiwan qu.
I am going to Taiwan.

No, this isn't a joke. About a month ago I applied for a position as an English teacher in a Japanese school, and they emailed me back to say they were only looking for British teachers for their Japanese school, but did I have any interest in Taiwan?

So I applied, and I interviewed, and this week they offered me a job. Just now, I signed the contract and sent it, along with my acceptance email. By the 4th of July, I'll be in Taiwan, drinking in the heat and humidity and getting ready to start a week-long training class to teach English at the Shane English Schools in Taiwan.

I'll be located in Hsin Jhuang (or Hsin Juan, or Hsin Chuang, or Xinzhuang, or Google Maps' Sinjhuang, depending on how you feel like spelling it), which is about 40 minutes south-west of Taipei. 
(On the map below, "A" is Taipei, and "B" is Sinjhuang/Hsin Jhuang.)

My contract is for a year. After that year I can either renew, go home, or possibly (depending on how well I do and what's open) transfer to one of their schools in Japan.

This is an incredible opportunity, and I can't quite believe I landed it. I've been waiting to travel--to just get moving--for so long, I can't believe I'm finally going to. And so SOON. I'll be giving my two weeks' notice at my day job either tomorrow or Sunday, and leaving by July 4th or sooner. There are so many things I have to do: find out about my visa, get my visa, possibly change the lease on my car, BREAK the lease on the apartment I was planning to sublet this summer, order makeup and facial products to last me a year, buy a new computer, get a year's supply of contacts, visit my doctor... and find shoes, because apparently a size 6.5 is considered "big" in Taiwan. I'll have no issue (I think) with clothes my size, but shoes I'm going to have to stock up on ahead of time. How about that?

I'll be keeping this blog as a way of chronicling my adventures and letting my family and friends know I'm not dead. <3

That's all outta me tonight. Now I just have to find a way to fall asleep!

PS - Please don't text me all at once, emails and FB messages are preferred! <3 <3 <3

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