Wednesday, January 9, 2013

we be cookin' up in here

Something new has come into creation. I call it... dinner.

As mentioned, I went out and bought a stovetop burner (with actual fire) so I could do more cooking for myself and have more control over what I eat. In 45 minutes I turned three ingredients into a symphony of yum.
We start at the dawn of time, with fire. I did not, in fact, burn down my apartment. Yay!

First I made the pasta, because it would have been the easiest to re-heat if I had wanted to.

Next came the meat, which I mashed and mixed with a little brown sugar and some pepper. I don't think I put in enough to make a difference, but I knew I'd prefer not tasting it to tasting it too much. After the pasta was drained and in a plastic tupperware container, I put some oil in the saucepan. I forgot that water droplets and oil aren't friends, and in heat they are deadly enemies. I had to wait for them to sort out their differences before I could put the meat in.

Once the meat was cooked I added it to the pasta, and then stirred in some Prego pasta sauce because yum.

Dinner was divine, and I have a lot left over for tomorrow's dinner. I'm so happy about this, I've been wanting to cook forever and now I finally can. The store right downstairs by my apartment building has pretty much everything you'd need to make almost anything, and it's not too expensive. I probably won't cook all my meals and likely I'll get sick of the work and go back to eating out for a while, but it's nice to know that when I want some control over the ingredients and nutritional quality of my food, I have it.

Bon appe-om nom nom nom!!!

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