Wednesday, January 9, 2013


You learn your priorities by looking at what you're willing to spend money on.
For example, any time I buy clothes I'm reluctant to part with any amount of cash. I go straight for sales racks and coupons and usually only buy anything full-price and verging on expensive if I've saved for it, am doing well financially, and/or need it.

On the other hand, I cannot give my money away fast enough when it comes to eating quality food.

Now that I'm on a good salary and able to afford a few luxuries, oh man, am I big on eating the good stuff. I've been eating most of my meals out of 7-Eleven and Family Mart for the past six months and I think I'm crystalizing with preservatives. When I went to France for Christmas (which I will... eventually blog about) my mother and sisters made dinner two nights in a row, and I made dinner for myself while they were away in Normandy, and it was nothing short of ambrosia. (There were genuine Italian noodles and some chorizo (cured sausage) in there, granted, but the point stands, home-cooked food is amazing.)

So when I came back from France, and hung out with a girlfriend of mine who has been making an effort to eat better, it suddenly occurred to me that I feel kinda gross eating all this store-bought food. Most of my meals are microwaved. This weekend I went out and bought cereal and bananas and ate those. Then I bought muesli (it's like granola) and raisins and wow, that was a nice change. Finally I broke down last night and bought pasta and Prego pasta sauce. I had to let the noodles sit in hot water for fifteen minutes to get them soft, but it was worth it.

Today I went back to work and had to eat 7-Eleven food again and just the thought of this food made me feel ill.

Therefore, we have come to the point of this, which is that I just bought a little gas stovetop thingie and a pot, and am about to go cook something. I have ground beef (I think) and pasta and pasta sauce. My body longs for this food. I need to stop typing now and go cook before the hunger is overwhelming and I turn to the muesli.

Btw wish me luck I don't set my apartment on fire.

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