Sunday, February 23, 2014


I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I love the monsters, the action, the great characters, and the self-awareness with which the show conducts itself. One thing I love most, though, is the language. Buffy characters get fantastic lines like, "Can you vague that up for me?" and "That'll put marzipan in your pie-plate, bingo." (Okay, the last one was a word-salad phrase said by a robot. Still.) Often, words will get "-y" added onto them so they become adjectives.

I say this so you'll understand why, instead of saying "I think the normal fear of relocating to a whole new country is causing me to avoid my necessary tasks rather than accomplish them," I'm just saying, "Stress is making me avoid-y."

Much simpler, and also better describes where I'm at right now.

Mostly, I'm dreading the gigantic move to Japan because I already know what it'll be like. Instead of homesickness and culture shock being strange, un-quantifiable entities that lurk within the shadows of some unknown tomorrow, I can make an accurate guess of how long it'll take me to integrate myself into Japan and feel comfortable about it. It's a necessary evil that I'm not looking forward to. Who would, though, right?

Anyway, thinking about that is making me avoidy. I finally got my Japanese visa from the Embassy (hooray!), but there are still other things to do, and thinking about where those actions will get me is putting me off my game. It's just nerves, and they'll pass, but still. They're here. Hence the literary expulsion of them, as writing is my most comfortable and effective method of emotional catharsis.

You should keep an eye on this blog, by the way. It'll get more exciting once I move to Japan. Once I have a phone, I want to post on Instagram, too, so I'll provide more info on that later. None of you are coming with me but I plan to take you anyway, via the internet, so if you're interested in joining me on what will likely be the paramount adventure and achievement of my life thus far, stick around. There will be Japan.

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