Saturday, March 1, 2014

new place, new plans

Dear Readers,

Sometimes I look at my stats. Usually I don't. But I see you guys reading these entries. I see the pageview numbers and it makes me happy, not so much for the count but to see that the experience is being shared.

I haven't been writing much while I've been in the States. Not many exciting experiences to be shared, or maybe it's just that I've been around friends and family who share the experiences with me, so I don't feel the need to write them out.

At any rate, I'll be heading back into Asia in about three weeks, and although I already know I'll be meeting some fantastic expats to go on adventures with, I look forward to again having daily adventures that inspire me to write. So now, suddenly, I find myself wondering: Is there anything my readers would like to hear about once I'm in Japan?
What do you want to know about? Grocery shopping? Train etiquette? Driving? (I'll be doing that, so you'll hear about that. Lots of that. Lordy, you'll be hearing about that.) I'm not promising to answer any and all questions, but if there's something you'd like to hear about, let me know! Investigating and writing about it will help me learn, too. And I realize now there were some things I still don't know about Taiwan. Like, were teabags sold in stores? I can't remember.

Direct your questions either to the comments section of my posts, and I'll do what I can to get them answered. If  no questions come, well, I'll find plenty of adventures on my own. :)

All the Best,

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