Thursday, February 28, 2013


The fact that Taiwan has a tropical climate means there is a lot of color here all year 'round. The trees stay green, flowers keep blooming, and there is always fruit abundantly for sale in the various markets around the city.

(I took this photo today. It is February 28th, and about 70 degrees F outside. I love this place.)

I'm having a time of it trying to identify the fruit, but my rule of thumb is that if I see someone else eating it raw or it's for sale in a fruit pack at 7-Eleven, I'm good to go.

Quite often you'll see these recordable speakers playing the same thing over and over.

Also today made me wish I liked food really super spicy because wow, this was a lot of peppers and they were such an amazing red.

Sometimes I'll forget I'm in a foreign country, and then I look out a window or down the street and... mountains. Yep, I'm not in Ohio.

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