Monday, August 27, 2012


I get a lot of my food from a convenience store, which isn't as bad as it would be in America, although it's not fine dining, either. Most people here eat out for every meal, so there's a wide variety of cold and hot foods in convenience stores for people to buy. Most even have little eating areas, usually a raised bar with seats by the window.

Close up are the cold foods (many of which are microwaved for you in the store) and the rows upon rows of drinks.
 Fruit! Here we have papaya, apples, and guava. I rarely see papaya in a fruit pack, so this was a treat!

These little babies are tea eggs. They're literally hard-boiled eggs that stew in tea all day, so they get a kind of rich, salty taste. They're NT$8 each, which makes them very inexpensive and a good source of protein.

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