Saturday, November 16, 2013

Updates: The Journey in Asia Continues

Hey peeps!

Ever since I came back from Asia, this blog has been dead. Mostly that's because there's very little to talk about when your occupation is "unemployed" and your location is "my house, I've Lived Here All My Life, USA." I've spent most of my time re-learning how to be American and searching for jobs in Japan.

And finally, finally, all that hard work has paid off.

I have secured myself one (1) job with an ALT company in Japan. I have no idea where I'll be in Japan, what school I'll be at, or what grades I'll be teaching. However, this does not matter. Not at all. Not even a little bit.

Because finally, after two years of working toward this and many years of imagining and dreaming (and being quite sure it would never actually happen), I am going to Japan.

MARCH 2014! (As long as my VISA and and Eligibility Application all go through, so, cross your fingers for me on that, please.)

In the mean time, I'm working on getting a job here so I'll a) have something to do for the next five months and b) be making money.


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