Tuesday, December 4, 2012

daily cameos

Today I went out into the world with my new camera and took a bunch of photos. Most of these photos were of people in Ximen, since that was really the only place I went.

I like Ximen. It's full of bright lights and people all dressed up in clothes that express who they are. Which is fantastic for me, because if there's one thing I love to photograph, it's people being themselves.

I've always loved taking pictures of things in daily life. Until now I've never taken too many pictures of people, but that's mostly because I've never had a camera with a view screen that can be angled, so I'm looking down while the lens is pointed forward and it isn't as obvious I'm taking pictures of people. (Score!) So all of a sudden I find myself with a new camera with a helpful viewscreen, in a country where fashion can be extravagant and expressive and people are outside almost all the time.

It's no surprise I started snapping pictures of people going about their lives.

"Slice of life" pictures are my favorite. People don't realize how beautiful they are just going about their lives, being themselves, doing what they do naturally. When I was at SOGO mall the other day in Fuxing, I got stuck in a line at Starbucks for a half hour (sorry for the wait, Rory, never doing that again!) and started taking pictures of people in the shop.

I took pictures on the MRT, too.

Then I was at Fu Ren University near Xinjhaung the other day, and I took some pictures there, too.

People are beautiful without meaning to be. Life is beautiful if you take the time to stop and look at it. I like taking pictures of mundane things that are around us, and of the moments when people are going about their business. I think it's important to be aware of the beauty of ourselves and our lives in order to appreciate not only our lives, but the lives of others.

I wish I could try taking pictures of my kids at the school, but the second I pull out a camera they'll be all over me, and I'll miss out on the "slice of life" photos I want.

...Unless I'm really sneaky. Maybe I'll see how sneaky I can be.

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