Sunday, November 25, 2012

fabulous new camera!

I have purchased a new camera, and it is a thing of beauty. It's a Nikon PS500, compared to my first camera, a FujiFilm Fine Pix J150. Although my first camera has served me very well since 2009, seeing as I'm abroad and have proven to myself that I do use a camera and quite frequently, it would be a good idea to get a new camera, and one of a higher grade.

So Rory (who had previously bought himself a new camera) and I went to Camera Street, which is by Taipei Main Station and is a small section of a long street filled with camera shops. Having looked online before our trip, I knew I wanted a Nikon 1500, or something very similar. The Nikon 1500 was out of my price range, but the Nikon PS500 was right in it, and had the features I was looking for: memory saved to an SD card, video-taking capability, good zoom, and a single re-chargeable battery. Plus it has all the bells and whistles of a quality camera, like the ability to manipulate shutter speed, ISO, aperture size, etc. (Aka a lot of things I'll be learning more about as I figure out how to use my camera.)

These pictures I took of the new camera with the old camera.

Even though it was night, I wasted no time taking pictures. They're not great, but I'll have to get some more practice. :)

All things considered, though, I probably won't get rid of my old camera. It's still very good. It takes excellent pictures in full daylight, it's lighter and more portable, and it's less prone to damage than a big expensive camera. The Fujifilm camera will stay in my purse for when I need it spontaneously, while the big nice one will come along for picture-taking occasions.

Can't wait 'til Tuesday, my day off, when I can take the new camera out and test it on some daytime shots!

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