Sunday, July 23, 2017

JCN shelter day 3 (morning)

The dogs don't know how to play.

They have no toys. They sit around all day. They don't investigate food, they don't get excited about new things in the house. They accept change with aplomb, not with intrigue. They enjoy walks and they are clearly desperate for stimulus, but they don't expect it.

I contacted someone in JCN and let them know about the utter disgrace that's going on around here. They'll alert upper management. I'm also going to see how many people I can recruit from my networks to come up here for a few days, or a few hours, or anything, and just help me organize and clean. I honestly just want a few dedicated people to come up here, sit down with me and help make a plan, and then help me clean. There's just so much to do and the current occupants are spending more time in their alcove or out with a friend than they are in the house with the cats and dogs.

I cleaned one of the kitten cages the other day and it was filthy. "Oh you know, you clean it and they just make a mess again." BECAUSE THEY'RE KITTENS, ARE YOU STUPID?? If a baby shits its diaper, do you say, "Oh you know, if you change her diaper she'll just poop in it again." Duh??? You didn't sign up to take an easy vacation, you signed up to volunteer.

They've been here seven months and they haven't bothered to try making a dent in any of the mess around here. They didn't even try to clean out the fridge. Any time I mention doing something, they say, "Oh we have to ask the manager." You do not need to ask the manager before you take a broom and some wet paper towels and clean out all the filth in the cat rooms. You do not need to ask the manager before you sort through the piles of discarded laundry and make decisions about what's too old/dirty to keep and what should be washed. You do not need to ask the manager before you organize the dishes, before you clean the rat poop off the shelves, before you organize the canned food by expiration date, before you contribute the basic daily maintenance that would hypothetically be a no-brainer for anyone who has lived on their own.

What's gross is that even the bare minimum of cleaning that would be done in one's own home has not been done here. The human living spaces are just as disgusting. I don't trust the kitchen.

I'm doing a lot of ranting, but I am really frustrated. And due to that frustration, I am ridiculously motivated to change everything. There has been almost zero percent accountability around here and I am going upgrade that to 100% accountability. You don't get a day off when you have pets. You don't get to give up because it's hard. You are the only person they have, and you have to carry on for them. There are maybe 20 animals in this house who need me, and you better believe I am going to carry on for a month straight until this place is livable again.

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