Sunday, May 19, 2013

hot days coming

We've been getting hotter and hotter days lately. Summer is upon us.

On Friday we had a spectacularly bright, clear day, one that made going to work feel criminal. Fortunately today, Sunday, was similarly bright and sunny, and although the heat and humidity were strong, it hasn't been unpleasant to walk around.

I quite rightly decided that a day like this called for watermelon.

Fruit here is very cheap, and plentiful. The market by my apartment has at least six stores that sell a variety of  whole fruit, and there are little stands everywhere selling fruit juice, which is usually just a glass of pureed fruit. (Uncomplicated and refreshing.) I will miss the fruit here so much when I leave. It's just so good. I have yet to actually eat bad watermelon. It's all crisp, juicy to the point of leaking, and every bite is perfectly sweet. For 50 kuai, about $1.50, you can get a big bag of fruit chunks and some little pointy sticks to eat it with. Believe me when I say this is heaven.

Today I also tried coconut water, fresh from the coconut. A vendor will lop off the top of a whole coconut (still in the green covering) and then carefully hack open a slit so he or she can pour the water inside into a bag. You get a straw to pierce the bag with, and have a nutritious drink. I've been told that coconut water is full of nutrients that are good for warding off heat exhaustion and dehydration.

Currently I'm hiding from the heat in a little cafe called "Pickles," by Fuxing MRT station. I just ate a cheese burger that oozed cheese and was liberal with the pickles. Absolutely delicious.

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