Friday, October 12, 2012

shout out to pinocchio

I have to give a shoutout to a local bakery, Pinocchio. A friend introduced me to it and it was one of the best things she could have done. The bread they make in this place... you can tell from the taste, texture, and shape if it that they hand-kneaded it in the back room, like REAL BREAD. You can also tell they cook it fresh because what they have changes based on the time of day, because they only make enough for the day, and this morning my fruit-and-nut mini-loaf with cream cheese in the middle was still slightly warm.

They have sliced loaves, mini cakes (these change with the season and approaching holidays), muffins, and cold cakes (like the birthday and special-occasion kind) in a refrigerator. Everything is always delicious and you can taste the quality. Plus, the loaves are reasonably priced, so I don't feel bad about going once or twice a week to grab something (which I then proceed to devour in one sitting no matter what I promise myself).

But that's not why I'm giving Pinocchio a shoutout today. No, what I want to give them additional credit for is their selection of music. Because damn. The other day I was in there and they were playing "Someone's Waiting For You" from Disney's THE RESCUERS. You know, that song that's playing while the little girl, Penny, is crying on the boat and wishing on stars? That song. I realized what it was and I went, "Oh. My. Dear. God. What is this unexpected childhood nostalgia tomfoolery?!"

And then today I walked in to find them playing "Everybody's Fool" by Evanescence, and well...

Shout out. Pinocchio, seriously. SERIOUSLY. I can't handle how awesome you keep being.

Anyway, if you're ever in Xinjhuang, Taiwan, stop by.

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